charSet. $charSet = $this->initCharset(); $generator = $this->generator(); // For debugging: If this outputs "QuirksMode"/"BackCompat" (IE) the browser runs in quirks-mode. Otherwise the value is "CSS1Compat" # $this->JScodeArray[]='alert(document.compatMode);'; // Send HTTP header for selected charset. Added by Robert Lemke 23.10.2003 header ('Content-Type:text/html;charset='.$this->charset); switch($this->docType) { case 'xhtml_strict': $headerStart= ' charset.'"?> '; break; case 'xhtml_trans': $headerStart= ' charset.'"?> '; break; case 'xhtml_frames': $headerStart= ' charset.'"?> '; break; default: $headerStart=''; break; } $tabJScode = ''; if (!$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['disableTabInTextarea']) { // This loads the tabulator-in-textarea feature. It automatically modifies every textarea which is found. $tabJScode = ''; $tabJScode.= ''; } // Construct page header. $str = $headerStart.' '.$charSet.' '.$generator.' '.htmlspecialchars($title).' '.$this->docStyle().' '.$this->JScode.' '.$tabJScode.' '.$this->wrapScriptTags(implode("\n", $this->JScodeArray)).' '; $this->JScode=''; $this->JScodeArray=array(); if ($this->docType=='xhtml_frames') { return $str; } else $str.=$this->docBodyTagBegin(). ($this->divClass?'
':'').trim($this->form); return $str; } } ?> TYPO3 Login: Rocco Caine Website

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